How Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google manipulate our emotions
Scott Galloway talked about danger from big IT company's exessive glowth. Now their market portion is over 90%. And that already made us out of control. Then, is this problem based on bad mind of those big companies? No, He said that we are accountable of the problem. We elected regulator, but they don't regulate those companies.
And he noted that the basis for the truism throughout history that power corrupts.
This issue is remarked many other people. And my acquitants already discussed that. But, in that time I didn't have the interest. But, that is more important in our future.
One in six queries presented to Google have never been asked before in the history of mankind.
What priest, teacher, rabbi, scholar, mentor, boss has so much credibility that one in six questions possed to that person have never been asked before?
One of the other wonderful things about our species is we not only need to be loved, but we need to love others.
The greatest algorithm for shareholder creation from World War II to the advent of Google was taking an average product and appealing to people's hearts.
Facebook is not a media company; it's a technology company.
Facebook has opely embraced the margins of celebrity and the influence of a media company yet seems to be allergic to the responsibilities of a media company.
That is the basis for regulation, and it's the basis for the truism througout history that power corrupts. They're not bad people. We've just let them get out of control.
I feel lied to. : 거짓말에 휘둘렸다.
obese : (사람이) 비만인
prescreen : 차단하다.
more for less : 더 적은 비용으로 더 많이
wound : 상처
vain : 소용없는, 자만심이 많은
irrational : 비이성적인
choosy : 까다로운
advent : 도래
disarticulate : 탈구시키다.
propertion : 비율
recession : 불황
captitalization : 자본 총액
come off : 떨어지다. 끊다
religion : 종교
curse: 저주
allergic : 민감하게 반응하는, 매우 싫어하는
be pissed off : 분노가 터지다
sacred : 신성한
suspected : 의심받고 있는
molest : 성희롱하다.
How Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google manipulate our emotions,, Scott Galloway